Dear Freshman Me

After creating this video it has just struck me that after this week my High School days are over- which I can’t believe I’m saying – and I’m absolutely devastated. Their is so much valuable information I wish I could have known back when I was a freshman, for instance getting involved into more clubs, which could have made a huge impact on my experience here at Western High School. However if there’s one class I do not regret taking sooner it’s video production. Don’t get me wrong I love this class but had I taken it my freshman year I would never had been lucky enough to stumble upon the friends I have today. Sure this class had its stressful moments – deadline being stacked upon deadlines – but overall this is a class I’m sure as heck never going to forget. Mr. O if you reading this thank you for deciding to become a teacher – especially for this class – some don’t get the recognition they deserve and you sir have nowhere near enough recognition – thanks brah.


Scene Remake

Wow! I’m absolutely speechless over the amount of work we’ve accomplished throughout this little experiment of our teacher. Working in these groups has probably been on of the best experiences of my entire High School career. Mohammad did an incredible job remaking the, “I will find you and I will kill you,” scene from the Movie Taken. Although we did initially find it difficult for us as a group to decide on the exact scene to remaking, in the end I believe we made the appropriate choice. Despite a few major set backs – the period before us breaking the monopod – our group was able to bounce back from these predicaments and create a phenomenal final product. Now all our group has to film is each individuals reflection upon their High School experience – and that’s sure to steer some emotions.

Found Footage

For starters this project and the following after this will prove to be rather interesting given that our Teacher, Mr. Olmedo (Mr. O), has given us the freedom of the next couple of weeks to complete the remainder of the projects. Our group – which consisted of eight individuals – worked surprisingly well on this project, and I think its because we didn’t have to stress over a deadline. Usually I’d become overwhelmed due to the almost near to impossible deadlines, however now we are able to calmly figure out a plan of attack and essentially create a great final product. If things end up going like this for the rest of the year all of our projects might just become this much more exciting to film – especially when you have more time to develop far greater products.

The Worst Twist Ending Ever

At last our shot for redemption, especially after the last project, and boy did we take advantage of the opportunity – completing the project and filming in a timely manner. It was quick and spot on when it came to the production and effectiveness – a quality the previous product failed to produce. Hopefully the next project turns out just as good if not better than this project, and if it does then our group might be one of the best in this class.

Television Intro

This project got a bit out of hand quite rapidly – even despite our intro only being twelve seconds. I believe our fatal flaw was due to the fact the we were given to much time to complete a project that should have only taken about forty minutes to shoot, but due to complications – like lack of material – the project turned out to be an incomplete product. In the end we weren’t able to gather the necessary material to complete the project, though it took a lot of effort on my part, but I can’t help but wonder if our lack of production was due to the designated groups or our lack of focus – which results from summer slowly creeping up on us. In the end it was another memorable experience I’m never going to forget due to acquired knowledge I receive after each assignment, and hopefully next time we’re able to create a finished product.


Senior Service

This was an exceptionally fun project – I mean seriously after completing a project based off of this project I was pretty upset to hear about it. In the end the product came out pretty swell, sure we had some lighting issues (none of which were my fault) but other than that it came out fine. I was once again one of the camera mans and for once I didn’t have to written script – something I couldn’t see my group doing on their own – and my group did very well. The editing did get to me this time – given that I had to re edit due to Premier Pro crashing – but in no time I was able to bounce back and create a fine final product.

Senior Commercial

The commercial was a lot more complicated than I intended it to be, for starters we ended up rewriting the entire script. As if that wasn’t bad enough the entire group constantly endured multiple setbacks with producing the footage, most of which could have been shot in one take if the actors had memorized their lines. Despite all of this mayham we ended up with a pretty solid commercial, which I thought was going to be nearly impossible since we only had one and a half days left to edit and  publish our work. Time management continues to be a problem and unless our group gets it together next time we might not get this lucky – though I can’t say I didn’t like the rush of doing everything in the nick of time.

Audition Tape

Many of the tasks I accomplished throughout this project will help propel me to create better videos. For the first time since discovering my inner desire to film, I was able to finally pass the torch to someone else, creating a strength in reliability with others. Not only that but I was once again forced into acting, which I have yet to perfect, and as many other ammeters didn’t perform to their standards. After completing this project vitality to continue acting continues to grow in magnitude, thus I look forward to continue acting because I for one do not accept anything average. However every week, for the last two months,  I’ve gone to the movies in hopes of some hollywood magic rubs off on me and sends my film productivity sky rocketing.

How To Behave With a Substitute Teacher (The Cat and The Bird)

High School. The time in which the majority of us spend our time discovering who we are, want to be, and who we want to be with, for some these are the most memorable years of their lives; the first kiss, the first dance, the child finally transforming into an adult. High School. Growing up nothing more but another obstacle we must be overcome, along the way we come to realize that each one of us has potential, whether it be becoming the next Tome Brady or the doctor who finally  cures caner, its vital we we learn this quickly or suffer as the herd slowly stomps over your corpse, another battle lost against what we come to terms as life. We are faced with multiple test when growing up, some more vital than others, the first vital test is when your faced with a substitute teacher, the tyrant that dares reign over the claimed land.

What?Really, a substitute teacher, that’s it?

Yeah, nothing fancy, dangerous, but not fancy.

It’s a simple task really, your almost guaranteed a free day, all you have to do is follow the instructions you’re assigned and try not to get into trouble (unless you don’t get caught). Seems fair, at first, only he holds a dagger in one hand, and a cloth in the other to clean up after his mess. Like a cat it’s cute, warm, friendly, that is until you disturb it, intentionally or not there is no escaping its wrath as it pounces on your face and claws at your face almost disfiguring it entirely in the process.

What do you do? Do you let the cat savagely claw at you face, completely ruining your chances at getting a date to prom or snap its spine in half ending the madness once and for all?

You let it claw your face away.

But maybe your substitute teacher is more like a bird, constantly chirping order without any regards as to the task at hand. Your once again being tested by the system, you could either chirp away with the teacher – completely blowing off the work – then come the following day face the wrath of the teacher.

No matter which substitute teacher you are faced with the most vital thing to keep in mind is that you yourself are in charge of the outcome, that day with the imposter can either be a nice peaceful or completely miserable day. So tend to that cat or bird with caution because for all you know you’re teacher might have write for an entire class period on how to behave with a substitute teacher.


What Makes Entrepreneurs So Successful

zuckerberg_2587413b.jpgMany questions have arisen due to the rise in successful entrepreneurs, from the likes of Bill Gates to John D. Rockefeller, no matter who they are they all share certain characteristics that drive them towards success and eventually happiness. We watched  Marc Zuckenberg create Facebook, Steve Jobs build his Apple empire and Bill Gates tower over any opposing threat in the computer market, but despite all of these successes people are still in search of the answer to success.  Some say there is no recipe for success others say its a combination of self motivation and determination, but the fact of the matter is there is only one true answer to what creates a successful entrepreneur, that is they each journey to discover their own answers.trump_flicker_face_yess.jpg

The average individual when faced with a predicament such as a dead phone would simply search for a charger and plug it. Boom! It was a easy, simple, and relatively short process, that of which someone found a solution to, that there is the reason why so many people aren’t cut out to become successful entrepreneurs. Instead what entrepreneur destined for success would more than create an alternative or improved solution to the lack of juice in the battery, that of which is unique to everyone else solution. UnknownThat there is the most simple answer to becoming a successful entrepreneur, rather than going with the motions and accepting the way life is they question everything around them and attempt to improve the world despite the consequences.

Steve Jobs caught on to that concept rather quickly, he took a problem the world either facing or didn’t know they were facing and “fixed” it, however there is a cost to all of this success that of which is usually happiness. It’s no wonder so many millionaires aren’t happy despite their social status along their journey to achieving success they managed to lose the drive to improve problems around them and begin to focus more on “problems around them.” As long as any human being doesn’t lose that drive to improve everything around them rather than “everyone” around them, they’ll have the potential to become a successful human entrepreneur.